Daily Archives: November 6, 2006

2 posts

Free Our Data

Have you been following the Free Our Data campaign? Have you noticed how few people are bothering to comment on the weekly postings? I used to be quite active trying to present a little balance in what seemed to me to be an OS bashing fest but I sort of lost interest. There used to be quite a lot of activity on this blog – has everyone lost interest in this stuff or is it […]

Welcome to GIScussions

Hi and welcome to my GIScussions. I am currently the MD of GDC, a London based Geo-Consultancy working with clients in UK Public Sector and Infrastructure. I didn’t start life as a geographer, in fact I am an economist who spent 20 years working in building materials before stumbling on GIS. Lots of what goes on in our community amuses and baffles me, some of it inspires me. Sometimes I wonder why ….. This blog […]