
3 posts

Sales & Marketing 101 – a year on

It’s a year since Marc and I ran the first S&M101 workshop at FOSS4G Boston, since then I have run two more workshops at FOSS4G Europe in Guimaraes and FOSS4G 2018 in Dar es Salaam. In total 36 people have now attended the workshop which is amazing to me. The two most recent workshops were fitted into a 4.5 hour slot rather than a whole day and that forced me to focus on the elements […]

Sales & Marketing 101 workshop feedback

Marc and I finally delivered the first Sales & Marketing workshop at FOSS4G 2017 in Boston with 14 attendees. All of the hard work and detailed planning seemed to work out, we stuck to time, the material made sense and built to the point where several of the delegates had breakthroughs in terms of their clarity and messaging. The feedback since the workshop has been fantastically positive (note my modesty), I think we can sharpen the […]

Sales & Marketing 101 at FOSS4G

For almost a year now, Marc Vloemans (Eclipse Foundation) and I have been thinking/talking/planning a workshop on Sales & Marketing for SMEs that we are presenting at FOSS4G in Boston in August. It is coming together well, or at least we think so, and we are excited about it’s first airing. We both have a background in sales and marketing and have spent the last decade or more in geospatial, however the workshop is not […]