Monthly Archives: February 2007

2 posts

Trading Funds and money-go-rounds

Charles Arthur of the Guardian and the Free Our Data Campaign and I have been exchanging views about funding models for OS and the impact on users. Somehow this dialogue got tacked onto an old post in this blog so I have copied it here for anyone who wants to join the current discussion or even GIScussion, alternatively you can comment on FOD linked above. Charles said… … we have made our case, as far […]

Virtual Reality and stuff

We sublet some office space to a company called Informap UK – they are currently building a photo-realistic 3D model of central London. I have seen some early samples from work they have done in other countries and it is very impressive. You can walk/drive through a city and get ultra cool imagery down to quite small detail such as signage. It is a leap beyond the current quality available on Google Earth or Microsoft […]