Monthly Archives: September 2008

15 posts

Make maps not war

A few choice shots from the GeoCommunity 80s party A lot of bags and even more leaflets! Arriving A lot of hair                                                   Is that rod Stewart? The Error Factory –  Simon Doyle, Chris Holcroft and Keith the drummer who flew in from San Francisco for this momentous gig. Thanks guys – […]

The GeoCommunity fanclub

It seemed that a lot of the early comment on the GeoCommunity conference focussed on the delegates choice to vote Mark Bishop’s slightly toungue in cheek presentation “The hype of Web 2.0” as their favourite. Some commentators lamented the lack of awareness amongst the delegates, I think they just enjoyed the presentation and probably appreciated getting an overview of the evolution of Web 2.0 after all not every delegate is ultra cool and up to […]

GeoCommunity 08 – the Chairman’s Cut

Well AGI GeoCommunity is over for another year leaving me both relieved and disappointed. A lot of people work and worry very hard to get the conference together and to make things run smoothly throughout the event (e.g. the moment when one of our hotels phones up on Monday to say they had double booked a number of rooms!) So when it is over there is an almighty phewwwww but also a sense of realisation […]

AGI GeoCommunity starts tomorrow – GI goes retro

Opening speech written, biographies of keynote speakers in hand, packing my bags and off in an hour along with my feeble attempt at an 80’s outfit. Of course the prize for the best outfit will probably go to the Cadcorp team who seem to have made this part of the conference their speciality. It would be worth coming along to the event just to laugh at the fancy dress on Wednesday evening. Martin Daly of […]

Korem joins Google Enterprise Partner Program

Korem a MapInfo and Oracle partner announced their membership of the Google Enterprise Program in a press release today. Korem have been MapInfo’s partner of the year, have developed numerous applications on the MapInfo technology stack and are a active in the Location Intelligence fusion with BI. They are smart guys – is this the beginning of a big shift?

Will anyone be able to sell Geodata?

James fee comments on the deal between Google and GeoEye  The only thing this confirms to me is that you can’t make money from selling sattelite imagery on an open market, you need a sugar daddy to pay the bills.  I guess that is what is the most telling thing out of this announcement, GeoEye’s and Digital Globe’s business models are broken. What future is there for the sale (let alone resale) of street level […]

Election Fatigue

Are you getting bored with the stream of media content on the US elections? Here is a light diversion that may prompt a smile. Don’t think that our own processes are much better, we just have lower budgets.

2 weeks to go

Just 2 weeks to go to the AGI GeoCommunity08 Conference.  All of the 2 and 3 day packages are sold out, there are still day tickets available for both days and the Stratford on Avon tourist people can help you to find overnight accomodation within a short walk of the venue.  If you were thinking of booking and thought you would just wait till …. book now or you will miss out completely.

The wrong Birmingham

Yahoo’s Geo Technologies Blog comments on this amusing article from the BBC about Birmingham City Council printing 720,000 pamphlets with a skyline photo of Birmingham Alabama. WOOPS What caught my interest was the extent to which the technologies of my old employer are now embedded into the Yahoo geo stack. So much so that it is now named GeoPlanet and the key identifiers of unique places are called WOEID’s. I still think WOEKeys (a […]

Quote this

Writing on Chrome and Microsoft Tim O’Reilly says The future is not like the past, and any strategy that is designed to protect the past will eventually fail The whole article is well worth a read too.

Crime mapping is expensive

Dave Hill wites in Comment is Free that the new Met Police Crime Mapping Site cost £210,000!! Over £200k for a pretty basic google Mashup – surely not? The range of data and the level of functionality available is minimal to say the least. Particularly when compared with sites developed by West Midlands and Greater Manchester on similar or smaller budgets. Could it be because they had to rush to satisfy their new political master? Nice […]