Daily Archives: December 8, 2009

2 posts

Embedding content into Google maps

Have you noticed the points of interest data that is now incorporated into Google Maps when you zoom in? I know it has been there for a while but I only recently discovered that it is clickable – could be I just missed it or it could be because the click tolerances for some of the tiny square dot icons are very small or it could be that it is one of those neat tiny […]

To privatise or not to privatise, that is the question

Yesterday Gordon Brown announced a “radical plan to put frontline services first by streamlining government“. The headlines have focussed on his comments on the pay of senior civil service employees perhaps masking some inconsistency in the aspirations and the detail of the programme Putting the Frontline First. “Putting the frontline first: smarter government sets out how Government will improve public service outcomes while achieving the fiscal consolidation that is vital to helping the economy grow. […]