Daily Archives: June 26, 2012

2 posts

Waze to go

I was looking forward to hearing Uri Levene, the CEO of Waze, talking about Redefining Social Networks and Crowd Sourcing at the Innovate Israel event this morning. Waze provides real time traffic information from user/contributors who have also helped them to build a road network by contributing their GPS traces from their phones as they drive. He showed some very itoWorld like animations of contributions flashing up on the map and suggested that they had […]

A video summary of my recent Giscussions via #InnovateIsrael

I met Yotam, the founder of wibbitz.com at the Innovate Israel event, he was virtually the only person not wearing a suit at a tech conference. His company offers a solution for automatically generating video content from text which looks as if it could have a mass of applications. Here is what happened when I entered the KnowWhere URL in the sample generator on the wibbitz site: Pretty neat except for the pronunciation of “KnowWhere” […]