Daily Archives: October 30, 2008

2 posts

Operatic large women and enumerating young poultry

Firstly my appreciation to those of my friends and colleagues who did not suffer from the mistaken belief that I might not be aware of the score in last night’s North London Derby (pah!) and offer to inform me of the score along with their own witty commentary. Sadly I have to admit that we deserved our fate. Not on a footballing level but from a fans point of view. Once we had recovered from […]

Putting your data in the cloud

In his keynote to the ESRI EMEA UC Jack Dangermond slipped in an announcement about ArcGIS Online Sevices (I gathered that this was not a completely new announcement but it seemed to be news to the European delegates). ESRI will host your data (cadastre, imagery or other corporate data) for free on the basis that you allow your data to be used for free by others within the community. Now it is not a completely […]