Daily Archives: July 28, 2009

2 posts

Who cares about the Togonator?

Only days after the Premier League’s self styled greatest striker and most famous citizen of Togo chose to pursue trophies (and money) outside of London by moving to Manchester and weeks after a certain slick haired Portugese left the same city for Madrid it is gratifying to see the Tweetometer showing the balance of interest between the two. Note the mutiple geo references in this post

Winners and losers

Peter Batty has an interesting post on his geothought blog about how neogeography is moving into the traditional GIS space and predicting major disruption in the next 5 years. No need to recap the ideas because you should go and read them. Suffice it to say that I think Peter has it spot on but may be understating the speed with which the changes are taking place. If there is major disruption which organisations are […]