
2 posts

The Invincibles – adventures with QGIS2Web

This is a maps and Arsenal post with a tiny bit of geekery added in. In the 2003-4 season Arsenal won the Premier League title while going the whole season unbeaten (actually including a couple of games in the preceding season and several in the following season they went 49 games unbeaten) a record that is unlikely to be equalled. My favourite Arsenal blogger is a guy called Andrew Managan who blogs at Arseblog, he […]

9 years

Give me a bit of slack with this post and I will try to contrive a link to geo before the end. Promise! Those of you who know me, follow this blog or my twitter stream will know that my passion for the Arsenal ranks up there with, or even in front of, my love of geo, things open and mistrust of conservative politics. Having  dined on caviar for a number of years, we Arsenal […]