3 posts

A GeoVating success story

It’s a few months since the GeoVation Awards. Dave Coughlan was one of the winning finalists with his Plaque Guide concept, now with funding from GeoVation he has got his site up and running and if I may say so it is pretty neat. I admit a bit of bias here as my friends at, another GeoVation finalist, helped him to build it. With help from some of the press wizards at OS Dave […]

Geobabble, football, blinded by the light

Who says you cannot mix football and geo? Certainly not Alun Jones and the team at GeoInformation Group. Today the guys behind the UKMap hosted a day of geostuff at the Emirates, yes that right geobabble at the home of my beloved Arsenal. How good is that? I will tell you – it was exceedingly good Mr Kipling. It was very strange to come out of the Arsenal tube station (others please note we are […]

Over the last two years I have become convinced that there is a big opportunity to build a professional quality business on top of the API’s provided by Google, Bing and of course OpenStreetMap to serve mainstream clients in public sector and commercial markets who want more than a quick mashup. Sort of neo stuff for some more traditional clients. So amidst all of the networking, consulting, conferences and other activities I have been on […]