Monthly Archives: December 2009

8 posts

GeoSeasonal Greetings

To all my geofriends and geofollowers I want to wish you geoseasonal greetings. Whatever your faith and geoinclination (neo, paleo, proto or nono) I hope this time of year brings you and yours peace and happiness. May 2010 be a geotastic and prosperous year for you Thanks to Gary Gale a geolly good geogeezer for the use of his great geopic

Come to the GeoVation Awards Showcase and we will support MapAction

The deadline is drawing closer for submissions for a GeoVation Award, plans are thudding onto the GeoVation virtual doormat as we speak, the judges are panting with anticipation and the award funds are burning a hole in our e-pocket! There is still time to submit a venture plan to The GeoVation Awards Programme this blog will tell you how. All we need now is you to come along to the GeoVation Awards Showcase at the […]

New Years Cheer

It has been a tough year for many who work in UK Geo and uncertainty about the future will be clouding the celebrations for some as we approach the new year. So here is a bit of good news for all of us. The Guardian is asking readers of its Technology section to pick their top technologies for the next 5 years as part of their final print edition, in the article they include the […]

Who pays for our new pavement?

It’s a decade or more since our street was enhanced with the questionable wonders of cable from Telewest or whoever they were before they became Virgin. The byproduct was our pavements being ripped and then relaid with broken uneven paving stones, patches of tarmac and shoddy workmanship. Why Haringey allowed them to get away with it I don’t know. Then recently Thames have replaced the water mains and had to dig up much of the […]

Correction – Poscodes will not be free

A case of the left and right hands not being connected. This morning the BBC web site ran an article on the freeing up of the postcode dataset “Currently organisations that want access to datasets that tie postcodes to physical locations cannot do so without incurring a charge.Following a brief consultation, the postcode information is set to be freed in April 2010.The announcement about releasing postcode data came as part of a much wider plan […]

Embedding content into Google maps

Have you noticed the points of interest data that is now incorporated into Google Maps when you zoom in? I know it has been there for a while but I only recently discovered that it is clickable – could be I just missed it or it could be because the click tolerances for some of the tiny square dot icons are very small or it could be that it is one of those neat tiny […]

To privatise or not to privatise, that is the question

Yesterday Gordon Brown announced a “radical plan to put frontline services first by streamlining government“. The headlines have focussed on his comments on the pay of senior civil service employees perhaps masking some inconsistency in the aspirations and the detail of the programme Putting the Frontline First. “Putting the frontline first: smarter government sets out how Government will improve public service outcomes while achieving the fiscal consolidation that is vital to helping the economy grow. […]

It is easy peasy to submit an application for a GeoVation Award

There is just under a month to the deadline for applications for the £21,000 GeoVation Awards Programme. I have just posted some notes/advice for those who are planning to submit an application. Ian Holt has also made this fun little video which runs you through the submission Couldn’t be easier really could it? There are now over 120 ideas and over 30 ventures on the GeoVation Challenge web site. If you haven’t had a look […]