New Years Cheer

It has been a tough year for many who work in UK Geo and uncertainty about the future will be clouding the celebrations for some as we approach the new year. So here is a bit of good news for all of us.

The Guardian is asking readers of its Technology section to pick their top technologies for the next 5 years as part of their final print edition, in the article they include the latest Gartner Technology Hype Curve. Just look at “location aware applications”

So we are pushing up the slope of enlightenment and should be mainstream within 2 to 5 years. Now will that be good news for those currently working in the industry or will there be some new entrants into the market who will reap the benefits of “enlightenment” at the expense of established players?

I can feel an end of year poll coming on if I can work out how to do it on the Blogger platform (suggestions?)