Geomob London – a Cracking Night of Maps

I must have said this before but I will say it again, if you live anywhere near to London and you are into geotech, maps or location influenced applications then you should give Geomob a try. I’d offer you a money back guarantee but as it’s free that isn’t necesary but more on that later.

On Wednesday night (24th Jan 2024) we had nearly a hundred people attending what truly was a cracking event, the room was full (almost overfull), the speakers were eclectic, wide ranging and brilliant, the conversation was sparkling and mappy and it was a treat to be able to stand outside the pub drinking in January.

For a run down on the 5 speakers and their talks have a look at the @Geomob thread on mastodon

The talks covered a new javascript library, a Welsh language version of OSM, crowd sourcing neighbourhood boundaries in New Zealand, mapping bus routes and stops in India and the audience favourite (and mine) A Map Inside. This was a perfect selection of talks, technical, quirky, passionate and absorbing. As always, the best is saved for the end when we go to the nearby pub and chat, make new friends and discover new opportunities.

There is something very special about Geomob and that is perhaps evidenced by its expansion from its origins in London to regular events in Barcelona, Berlin, Finland, Lisbon, Munich and Tel Aviv. Geomob would not be possible without the energy and commitment of Ed Freyfogle whose company OpenCage is the principal sponsor of the events (and the podcast) and the generous sponsors – OpenCage, Mappery, Esri UK, Ed Parsons, Geolytix and SplashMaps.

But here is the rub, the numbers are increasing (which is good) and beer prices are also increasing (which is not so good) so the cost of running the events is increasing faster than sponsorship. We need more sponsors or larger sponsorship to keep Geomob growing and spreading geo-goodness to a wider audience, can you help us? It could be an individual or a company sponsoring events in a city or worldwide or it could be that you would like to sponsor a podcast episode and get a mention of your organisation as a sponsor in our podcast (great if you are hiring or launching a new service). Ed and I have some ideas for novel approaches to sponsorship and would be happy to discuss them with you, just message me through the contact form.

Geomob always needs speakers at the events and on the podcast so if you fancy presenting or being interviewed get in touch with us.