Monthly Archives: June 2010

6 posts

Elevator pitches and “Cocktails on the Titanic” at State of the Map

It is less than two weeks until State of the Map kicks off. The annual OpenStreetMap conference provides a great opportunity for the open data and volunteered geographic information community to gather in Girona to talk maps, learn from each other and inevitably squabble a bit about open-ness and licensing and tag structures and stuff. If anyone doubted the importance of the OpenStreetMap community and their map the incredible response of the community to the […]

Not everyone has an iPhone

It seems that everyone wants to build an iPhone app. Barely a week goes by without another sensational statistic about the number of apps on the AppStore and how many of them use location and now the Android alternatives are mushrooming at an equal pace (or faster or slightly slower depending on who you believe) and Nokia are determined to get in on the act as well as Blackberry. What prompted this post was stumbling […]

A gentle man of GI gets an MBE

Peter Woodsford, one of the founders and the chairman of LaserScan (now 1Spatial), a former chair of the AGI and the chair of Snowflake Software was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s birthday honours list on Friday for his contribution to the Geographic Information industry. If ever there was someone who deserved the accolade of “gentle man” it is Peter. A knowledgeable and provocative thinker and innovator in our industry, he is also an outstanding […]

Pearls of wisdom from the Godfather of GIS

Jack Dangermond was in town today and gave the AGI Education Lecture at UCL. His messages were that GIS is already successful as a research and project tool, the big opportunity is for geography to reach out and that has just begun. We have spatially integrated thinking largely facilitated by the mass reach of Google et al and we now have the tools for data sharing and collaboration and the opportunity to use geography to […]

On averages and risk or skewed business models

Last week after a great (even Magnificent) visit to the Magnificent Maps exhibition at the British Library with Gary Gale, Steve Kennedy and Giuseppe Sollazzo we sat out in the courtyard rabbiting about maps, mobiles and stuff. Steve was explaining to us how the broadband ISP’s who purchase capacity from BT and buy in bulk but on a volume used basis (GB or similar) and then resell to us consumers on an all you can […]

Craft Nations Unite

I met Louise Campbell at a GeoVation event. She said “I am interested in creating wealth in communities for a more durable future, by using technology/geography and ecommerce combined we can help transform the economy by encouraging communities to spend, where their money has the most wealth transforming power.” She wanted to build an app to help connect producers and consumers, she got to the GeoVation Awards finals but didn’t win an award. She was […]