Craft Nations Unite

I met Louise Campbell at a GeoVation event. She said

“I am interested in creating wealth in communities for a more durable future, by using technology/geography and ecommerce combined we can help transform the economy by encouraging communities to spend, where their money has the most wealth transforming power.”

She wanted to build an app to help connect producers and consumers, she got to the GeoVation Awards finals but didn’t win an award.

She was not discouraged and a few days later she launched Craft Nations Unite a pretty basic Google MyMaps concept but clearly she has caught a lot of peoples’ attention as there have been over 100,000 page views in 3 months. Now she has a new site under construction with help from another GeoVator. It will be interesting to see how this develops.

Louise and Craft Nations is a great example of what I hoped we might be able to stimulate and facilitate through GeoVation.