Daily Archives: October 1, 2010

3 posts

Cocktails on the Titanic – the final chapter from #GeoCom

I presented Cocktails on the Titanic to a pretty full room at GeoCommunity on Wednesday. I have been developing my thoughts for this presentation over the last 6-9 months. It started with the AGI Foresight study and my section of the editorial on social and economic trends, it evolved with “Without a business model you are FCUK’d” at wherecamp.eu and then presentations to the ESRI UK user conference, The GeoData 2010 event, State of the […]

CutsMap – another useless survey?

I was pretty scathing about CASA’s Survey Mapper in my “Just because you can put something on a map…” talk at W3G. When I met up with Andy Hudson-Smith after the talk in Stratford we had a very good conversation about Survey Mapper, he made a good case for putting the tools into peoples’ hands and seeing what they could do with them and I argued that self selecting polls on topics that may not […]

Tweeting responsibly at #W3G and #GeoCom – a public service announcement

Some people don’t get twitter, fair enough. Some people don’t like the back channel at conferences, maybe they think it is distracting delegates from listening to the presentations, fair enough. Some people tweet way too much, that’s me. At a conference the tweetstream is a conversation, often irreverent, frequently sharp and observant, sometimes puncturing pomposity (not that I am suggesting any existed at W3G or GeoCom) and nearly always humourous. If you are wondering what […]