Apologies for the oddly targeted adverts in the video above but that’s the cost of free. We don’t have an option to vote or even express opinions on individual items of government expenditure in the UK, so I can’t say I’d like to spend £10bn on rail subsidies or pay 2p in the pound tax on the NHS or on education or 0p on Trident nuclear weapons (I haven’t got a clue whether those […]
Monthly Archives: July 2013
My friend Ed Freyfogle of Lokku, Nestoria and #geomob fame and I, have been talking for a while about business opportunities around OpenStreetMap. After all Nestoria have been using OSM in the background for a long time and at the end of 2011 they switched the mapping on their various web properties from Google to OSM with very successful results, they know the data pretty much back to front and they’ve got some hot engineering […]
It has been ages since I last sat down to write a post. That is because I have been massively busy working on client stuff, particularly with the great team at Astun, and chairing FOSS4G has been a lot more work than I anticipated and a lot more fun and there have been a few other projects that I am involved with including OSM-GB and Taarifa [plug for my clients and projects over]. The common […]
Contrary to what you might think looking at the frequency of posts for the last 6-8 months this is not a dead blog. I have been mega busy but that is a feeble excuse. At last week’s GeoMob Ed Freyfogle told me I needed to blow out the cobwebs and get back to blogging. So here goes, I started by having a spring clean on the site and installed a snazzy new theme Customizr – needs […]