Monthly Archives: August 2016

4 posts

When politics meets maps – the movie

Last year, I wrote about some of the challenges of mapping political border disputes and mused on how things have changed with the advent of digital mapping. I have been busy doing some further research on the topic which included a couple of hours with Tom Harper at the British Library and presented on the topic at last week’s FOSS4G in Bonn. Spoiler warning: If you are attending the British Cartographic Society conference on 7th […]

There’s no such thing as a free lunch – the movie

A couple of years back I wrote a piece on Open Source business models and how users could/should become contributors called “There’s no such thing as a free lunch“. Since then I have presented my thoughts at a couple of conferences and gradually shifted the pitch towards people working in Open Source Geo as opposed to end users. The ideas may be useful to people trying to articulate to their clients and potential clients why […]

FOSS4G 2016 – the bar gets higher and higher

Apologies, there may be a bit of gushing in this post. Last week the German Chapter of OSGeo hosted the annual FOSS4G event in Bonn. Each year the Local Organising Committee of FOSS4G wants to make their event the ‘Best FOSS4G Ever’, in 2013 the Nottingham team adopted that mantra as one of our hashtags on twitter. This year the Bonn team have really raised the bar and set an incredibly high standard for those that follow […]

Stretching FoI beyond a reasonable use case?

“The Freedom of Information Act is a good thing” – sounds like a reasonable statement that would attract a lot of support from many who read this blog or who live in the open data, open source, open whatever communities. In line with my position on the cost/benefit of Open Data, I have occasionally wondered whether some people/organisations are ‘taking the mick’ with their FoI requests. The act applies to all and any requests regardless of the […]