When politics meets maps – the movie

Last year, I wrote about some of the challenges of mapping political border disputes and mused on how things have changed with the advent of digital mapping. I have been busy doing some further research on the topic which included a couple of hours with Tom Harper at the British Library and presented on the topic at last week’s FOSS4G in Bonn.

Spoiler warning: If you are attending the British Cartographic Society conference on 7th and 8th September, don’t watch this – wait for the live performance

This is a rather rushed presentation, I need to learn how much material I can fit into 20 minutes! There is enough content for 40 or 45 minutes and I have barely scratched the surface. This is a massive slide deck of old maps, ancient maps and of course maps from Google and OSM – grab a beer or a coffee and sit back and enjoy.

Embedding the video seems to be borked so you can watch it here