It is just 3 weeks to GeoCommunity.It looks like it is going to be a festival of geogoodness under the leadership of a new team headed by Simon Doyle (who is an ex GDC’er so he must be a goodish type of guy).
On the Tuesday Gary Gale has organised a free unconferencey thing called #W3GConf, word has it there are only a couple of tickets left.
The main conference program is fool (such a good typo at this time of night that I had to leave it in) of interesting stuff (particularly if you are wrestling with inspiring obligations) and no doubt the folk from OS will be sharing lots of insight into the changing world of geodata and Open stuff. I bet we don’t get through the three days without hearing Derived Data and we might even get some hints of good news in that regard.The agenda is broad enough that you should be able to avoid any of my 3 talks/rants/babbles if you want to (actually there are 3 speakers talking at the same time as my presentation on Wednesday that I would rather be listening to). The keynotes include Nigel Shadbolt who is a demigod of the Open Data movement after he and Sir TBL freed up all that OSOpenData. To be honest the big problem with the program will be choosing what to miss.
Oh and if that isn’t enough to tempt you late undecided folk the Soapbox is back. No one who saw the astonishing performance from Ian Painter or the stunning costume of Peter Batty could possibly miss this year’s extravaganza. Word has it that some of these guys have gone into training, me I think I am going to do a no slider possibly made up the night beforehand – that could be worth a laugh too.
So what are you waiting for?
There are still a few tickets left, you can book here.
And if you need an extra inducement, buy a ticket now, post your ticket number on the comments here and you can claim a free geobeer courtesy of KnowWhere Consulting (terms and conditions apply)

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