AGI GeoCommunity 08 – Shaping a Changing World Pt 2

We are off to a flying start.

AGI’s Chris Holcroft told the conference team this week that “we are 3-4 weeks ahead of last year but we should not relax” – some chance!

The call for papers has already been launched with themes that include:

Climate Change Globalisation Geovisualisation Beyond Pushpins Virtual reality/gaming Location based social networking Policy and Strategy; UK Location strategy, INSPIRE, Marine Bill Geo ethics Language of geography/vocabulary of GI Olympics 2012 Privacy/data security Routing/spatial literacy Government data quality/reliability Crowd Sourcing The flat world Data richness/localisation Data hacking and re-purposing Bandwidth Information Overload GYM Mobile – Nokia/Navteq/Android Usability Real time OGC v GYM 3rd dimension/4th dimension Disruptions Business models Neo geo into mainstream Commonality Why – not how? Communicating the benefits of GI Mobile GIS Disruption GI/GIS Going Mainstream Real Time GIS

Registration launched quietly this week and while we were testing we got our first 15 registrations! As they say in the brochures “book early to avoid disappointment”

Over half the sponsorships have already been taken.

Not a bad start and we are only at the end of February