Becoming a GeoVator

GeoVation is a new innovation network sponsored by Ordnance Survey that will help individuals and startups to turn ideas for using geography into reality.

Come along to one of the GeoVation launch briefings, at each location we will be running a breakfast briefing with coffee and croissants and an early evening briefing with pizza and beer.

The registration pages for the briefings are now open, please select the location and time that you would prefer and register (no charge) using one of these links

Manchester: 08:00 – 09:30

Manchester: 18:00 – 20:00

London: 08:00 – 09:30

London: 18:00 – 20:00

They will be fun interactive events that will give you a flavour of the program and you will meet some other GeoVators who you might want to team up with. Come along and learn more about the GeoVation program and help us to make someone’s idea come to life with geography