Usually maps that inspire, delight, offend, aggravate, mislead or seem pointless get a short mention on The Good, the Bad and the Ugly but thanks to Mark Percival and Rolllo Home Flood Map gets a front page spread.
I don’t know much about the techniques of flood modelling but I have a feeling that it is a bit more complex than sucking up a 90m resolution free data set and draping it over Google. However you have to admire the author’s vision and ambition
“Development of the Flood Map application is a try to help fight against the natural disaster like flood and there by a try to save as many lives as possible.”
On the disclaimer side I think they have it well covered
Before using this Flood Map application, please note that the application may have some or many bugs or inaccuracies because of various technical or non technical reasons. Also note that there might be some miss-alignment, so please consider +-100 meters tolerance to be on safer side.
An application that wants to help fight natural disasters and save lives warns that it may have many bugs or inaccuracies, so why bother? Could this be a task best left to experts?
One thought on “Just because you can map something .. plus a bit of free data and we reach new highs (or are they lows?)”
Just don’t zoom in too close!!