Legible London

Great evening at BCS this week listening Tim Fendley talk about the Legible London project.

On behalf of TfL his team have been looking at how to coordinate the signs and directions available to pedestrians to encourage people to walk around London rather than use the underground because they don’t know the way. In London we have all sorts of people putting up signs which offer conflicting and confusing advice to pedestrians. They have done some great research into wayfinding and how people navigate using visual cues and have produced the new miniliths that are being piloted around Bond Street

They have also produced some stunning cartography which really makes pedestrian navigation easier. If you have an iPhone you can download a copy of their early app for Brighton from the App Store, it is called WalkBrighton (says what it does on the can). At the moment they are just a set of georeferenced raster images that you can pan, no search or navigation but it gives you an idea of what pedestrian mapping should/could be.

It would be nice if we could get something similar for the whole of London but that will take a load more tech than a few rasters. Anyone?