Pearls of wisdom from the Godfather of GIS

Jack Dangermond was in town today and gave the AGI Education Lecture at UCL.

This way ...

His messages were that GIS is already successful as a research and project tool, the big opportunity is for geography to reach out and that has just begun. We have spatially integrated thinking largely facilitated by the mass reach of Google et al and we now have the tools for data sharing and collaboration and the opportunity to use geography to communicate. We are on the cusp of a quantum leap enabled by the cloud, the crowd, open standards and data sharing policies.

In most regards this was a fairly predictable “power of GI” and futures pitch from the founder of ESRI, Jack Dangermond is an inspirational spokesperson for the power of GI although at times I think he does confuse Geography with Geographical Information Systems and you just know that GIS and ESRI are spelt the same in his world.

A couple of the best quotes from his lecture (not verbatim but as good as I could scribble down)

On the new release of ArcGIS

“ArcGIS 10.0 has almost 2000 man years of development”

On the complexity of GIS

“GIS was engineered to be difficult”

In response to the question “why aren’t you supporting full Dublin Core on”

“Because people don’t use it and entering all of it pisses people off”

On GeoDesign (which seems to be a new buzzword)

“Everybody is a designer, they just didn’t realise it”

Reading through this I wonder if I missed the core message of the lecture?

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