Professional GIS vs NeoGeography

A thoughtful client recently asked us how he could explain the value of his organisation’s investment in Enterprise GIS to elected members and senior management who thought that everything could be done for nothing with Google.

I have written about this previously on this blog and don’t want to repeat that stuff. Undoubtedly the professional GI community needs to better articulate the value of what we do if we are not going to be overtaken by mashups.

At the AGI 2007 Conference there will be a series of presentations and debates that will help to define the the interface between the old guard and the new including keynotes from Mike Hickey, President of Pitney Bowes MapInfo and Ed Parsons, Geotechnolgist at Google plus two debates:

  • ‘GI is a bad career choice, discuss’
  • ‘Will Neogeography crush professional GIS?’

You can get the whole conference program here. If you want to participate in the debate or hear some of the leaders in our industry exploring this topic register before the rates go up.