£21,000 for GeoVators

So we are off and running with the GeoVation Awards Program.

If you have an idea or know someone who has an idea that has been simmering for a while or was drawn on a beermat or the back of a cigarette packet then now is the time to enter the GAP and you could win an award of up to £10,000

You can find details of how to participate at Mind the Gap – it is easy to register and you will get the chance to share your idea with others who may be able to help you turn it into a venture and possibly an award winner.

We will be running an ideas evening on 2nd November at the RSA from 6.30 to about 9.30. Come along, meet some other GeoVators, eat some nibbles, share some ideas, drink some beer and learn more about the GAP. Just let us know that you are coming by registering here as places are limited.

Please Mind the GAP