Biggest and best ever program at GeoCommunity ’09

Just in case you have missed all of the publicity around the launch of the program for GeoCommunity. I thought I would give you a preview of my introduction to the conference brochure which will be off the presses very soon.

For the third time it is my pleasure to invite you to be part of the GeoCommunity at our annual conference in Stratford upon Avon.

The pace of change within the geo world continues to accelerate and the range of content and activity at this year’s GeoCommunity reflects the broad range of interests of those who work with and benefit from geography in both traditional and new domains.

I am amazed at the quality and breadth of the program that the GeoCommunity team have created for you. We have blended the big topics and issues of the moment with learning opportunities and a celebration of the power of geography to transform people’s lives and make a difference.

This year delegates at GeoCommunity will have some difficult choices to make between over 80 options across 7 streams of presentations, interactive sessions and hands on workshops. The implementation of INSPIRE and national and regional SDI’s will be a prime interest for some of our delegates whilst for others the new Geoweb stream will provide an opportunity to demonstrate how neogeography is changing the ways we use, present and share information. In the Local Communities stream we go from crime reduction to the evolution of place names, there are streams on Visualisation, the Environment, Making the Case and GeoServices (GIS in the cloud) and a stream entitled All About Data with some very thought provoking presentations. Privacy is becoming a subject of increasing concern for some of us whilst others are more focussed on the benefits of pervasive location, the GeoCommunity will have the chance to join in a discussion on location and privacy with a group of experts.

You will also be stimulated, inspired and entertained by our 3 plenary guest speakers, Andrew Turner, an originator of neogeography and CTO of Fortius and founder of GeoCommons, Peter Batty, former CTO of SmallWorld and Intergraph and, to finish the conference, a truly stunning presentation from the teachers and pupils of the Grammar School at Leeds on the way GI is integrated into the whole curriculum.

On the second day there will be keynotes on the theme Realising the Value of Place from the leaders of our Platinum Sponsor organisations – ESRI UK, Ordnance Survey and Pitney Bowes Business Insight.

We wanted to give a platform to even more people to speak at the conference. This year we are launching the GeoCommunity Soapbox, 10 lightning pitches by GeoCommunity delegates on topics selected by the conference attendees. It promises to be a fun session, come and learn about “digital tomatoes”

A conference is not just about plenaries, sessions and workshops – we also need opportunities to catch up with old friends and make new ones. What better way to start than by coming up to Stratford on the Tuesday for the pre-conference activities and the ice-breaker evening with a quirky poet and a challenging quiz? On the second night we have our Black and White GeoCommunity party with our house band, The Twangs, plus a load of games and activities and of course a well-stocked bar and delicious eats.

GeoCommunity ’09 is going to be the best GeoCommunity ever.

Join me in Realising the Value of Place. I hope that I will get the chance to meet you in Stratford.


You can view the program here

The Early Bird registration is here – why would you want to waste money by booking late?