I think I will be a Barca fan

Well if you are an Arsenal fan the season is pretty much over – unless you count a minor scrap with Chelsea for 2nd place and automatic Champions League qualification. The bad referees and horrendous tackles may have made it harder to win something but ultimately we just weren’t quite good enough this season.

Thanks to all the humourless friends who have sent me weak jokes about empty trophy cabinets, thirst in north London due to a lack of cups etc. Interestingly most of them come from people who passionately support their favourite team but live 100 miles away and never get to see a game except on Sky or MoTD.

So the only question for me is what is the least worst outcome for the remainder of the season. Taking a leaf out of the witty ones book I am temporarily switching allegiance to Barca (CL only) – Come on TH14!!!!!!