Jokes Johnson wants Crime Maps

Well that is what my teenage daughter calls him!

No doubt it will be amusing to have such a well informed and effective mayor for the next 4 years. Is there a get out clause?

Those of us working in the GI community will be looking forward to the impact the new Mayor and his party leader will have on our industry. On 13th February Jokes was quoted in the Guardian

“that he would introduce New York-style “crime mapping”, and publish neighbourhood-by-neighbourhood crime figures, if elected London’s mayor. “

Brian Paddick, the Liberal Democrat mayoral candidate and a former Met police commander, claimed that Johnson’s crime manifesto showed he was “clueless on crime and how policing works”.

Apparently Boris then visited the Jill Dando Institute and talked to the team there on the subject.

One might have thought that there are no mapping of crime statistics in London – try googling “crime maps london” and you will find at the top the Metropoplitan Police Service (surprising really Boris) the interactive version needs SVG but is quite informative. Alternatively you could look at the crime section on the London Profiler which has some of the information displayed in a more elegant way.

Ironically the New York CompStat system which inspired Boris is not accessible to the public. However CrimeReports is available for many cities and provides detailed information about the location of crimes (but not in NY).

Now I think we could do better than the current crime mapping sites available in London and not surprisingly I know some very talented people who could help Boris to achieve his objective, that’s if it wasn’t another joke.