Pay it forward

Pocket Change

FOSS4G starts in Boston in just over 3 weeks time, there will be close on 1000 attendees (could go higher if you are one of the late registrations) learning, sharing, networking, having a bit of geofun, making new friends and building the Open Source Geo community. There will be hundreds of presentations, workshops, keynotes, lightning talks, birds of a feather, meet ups, loads of QGIS and lots of new stuff. So who wouldn’t want to be there?

Look at the map of delegate home countries

Not many delegates from the southern hemisphere are there? Most of the delegates are from the US and Western Europe, which is understandable – a week in Boston at FOSS4G will cost at least $1,500 plus the cost of flights, outside the budget of many people.

Thanks to some generous sponsorship we have been running a FOSS4G Travel Grant Programme to help some FOSS4G contributors and enthusiasts to join us in Boston, we have now made 10 awards to people from the lowest 3 World Bank income categories (that’s mainly incomes of less than $4,000 pa).

There were many more deserving applicants than we had funds to support, so we want to do a bit of crowdfunding to raise money to bring a few more to Boston

  • Every 60 people who donate $25 will enable 1 extra person to attend FOSS4G
  • If everyone who has registered for FOSS4G chipped in just $15 we could bring 10 more people to FOSS4G
  • If you or your company are feeling very generous, you could even sponsor 1 individual yourself
So why should you put your hand in your pocket? Do you remember the person who helped you to get started in geo? Do you remember the buzz from attending your first big geo conference, maybe it was a FOSS4G, maybe it was an ESRI UC, maybe it was an AGI GeoCommunity? Maybe, you don’t even do geo, but you still remember someone who helped you to get started on the path that you are following. Now is an opportunity to “Pay it forward” and help someone else to get started in geo and make a difference in their home country.

Go on, dig deep, dig a bit deeper, you will feel good about your donation and someone else will get the chance to experience the goodness of FOSS4G. So click on the donate button now (the money will go to OSGeo Foundation and PayPal waive credit card charges as they are a NFP)

May the FOSS be with you