Shaping a changing world – we have a program

Last week,12 of us spent a couple of days wading through nearly 100 good to great submissions for the AGI GeoCommunity 08. Of course there were a couple of papers that got a “you have to be joking” and a couple that no one could understand (and they were in English) but the vast majority were of a very high standard.

Selection is a chaotic process – we wanted the best papers and we wanted to created a balanced program. Eventually we got there.

And along the way we had a couple of laughs

So there are nearly 50 papers, 4 keynotes, over 10 workshops and hands on training events, GPS walks and a panel discussion and a Big Debate on “GI Going Mainstream – An Own Goal?” You can review the whole program here

Now all we need is for you to register. Get a move on there are over 100 delegates already signed up and the early bird discounts will run out.

I think it is going to be an even better conference than last year. See you in Stratford.