US NSDI as economic stimulus

In the last month three groups have submitted proposals to the US Government for funding to create a US National Map or NSDI within the $700Bn economic resuscitation bill.

Directions posed 3 questions to each of the authors:

  1. Before it was posted to the Web, to whom was the proposal sent for review, if anyone?
  2. Was the proposal sent to, or formally presented to, any members of the U.S. Congress or their staff? If so, please share with whom and when.
  3. What current efforts are underway to further the acceptance and inclusion of your proposal into the stimulus package? Are you looking for endorsements? Letters of support to congresspeople?

One might gain the impression that these counter proposals are more about gaining competitive advantage than stimulating the economy or the national interest. 
Of course we wont have these concerns as the UK SDI starts to publish implementation plans!