#FAKEMAPS standing room only


Sometimes a glitch can work out.

I had been worrying how I was going to get through over 60 slides in my FAKEMAPS presentation (plus builds) in 20 minutes, I cut and cut but still thought I might have to do a hard stop somewhere before the spectacular end. Stressful.

The FOSS4G team had asked presenters to use their laptops that were hooked up for recording, they suggested PowerPoint format or PDF (no Keynote). I had made copies in both formats, so when the PowerPoint version wouldn’t load I was left with no choice but to run the PDF which meant no speaker notes – aargh! all that extra detail and information consigned to the dustbin of my memory. The plus was I scorched through 60 slides in 20 minutes, well slightly over but within acceptable limits.

The room was rammed with people sitting in the aisle, standing at the back and spilling into the corridor. It might have been the hype that had built up around the badges and stickers – the audience snarfed about 120 badges and 300 stickers!

It was a heck of a lot of fun and I think the crowd enjoyed it too. I am going to try to do a repeat somewhere in London over the next couple of months, any ideas?

Standing Room Only for FAKEMAPS-1

You can view the slides here. You can read the speaker notes and the slides at bit.ly/fakemaps

It’s better with the chat, I’ll post a link to the video when it is uploaded by the FOSS4G team

The best of the banter



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