GeoCommunity is getting close

There are only 18 days left until we kick off GeoCommunity 09.

All of the residential passes have been sold but there are still some day passes available here and there are great deals on B&B if you want to stay over and come to the party.

Listening to the buzz that is building about the event I know we are going to have a great conference. The Geoweb stream will be outstanding if its chair Christopher Osborne can be believed and I know that several of the presenters are frantically honing their presentations as we speak and some experienced hands are getting a little edgy as they hype themselves up for their big moment.

I am trying not to think about needing to write my welcome address, plan the chairing of the plenaries, the keynotes and leading the panel discussion on “Privacy – Where do you care?” plus build my 15 slide deck for my georant on the soapbox entitled “My name is Steven and I am a Geoholic” (a good title – now I just need to fit some content to it). Don’t worry there are over 70 other presenters at GeoCommunity so you wont have to listen to me if you don’t want to.

There is a whole range of activity going on before the event if you are planning to come up on the Tuesday, geocaching, standards, environment, possibly some open street mapping, an oracle user group and of course the ice breaker, quiz and comedy.

If you haven’t been to a GeoCommunity before – you don’t know what you are missing. Come up to Stratford for a day or two, learn something, network with close to 600 geopeeps, have a few geobeers, throw a digital tomato at the georanters and have a geolly good time.

And here is a promise from me – If you haven’t been to GeoCommunity before and you sign up between now and the 15th September and you are not convinced that it is the best geoevent in the UK come up to me at the conference and claim your free compensatory geobeer.

Don’t leave it until the last minute though or you could be disappointed.