
Do you twitter? When I first saw twitter I just didn’t get it – it seemed like a Facebook status post without all the other Facebook stuff. Then someone used the term micro-blogging and I started to see how it could be useful to me, actually Facebook Status without all of the other junk is quite an attractive proposition.

Despite the many wonders of the iPhone I cannot use the virtual keyboard to type a blog post of more than a few words and even then I have to write within a window within the mobile Safari browser – not easy or very instantaneous.

Twitter allows you to blurt out 140 character thoughts, observations or links to interesting web pages which others can pick up as a feed if they subscribe to it and have a Twitter client on their phone, web browser or desktop. Now I have found a widget that pulls my Twitter feed (including the people on Twitter that i am following) into the side panel on the front page of this blog. Twitter feeds can also be geotagged if you are using a location aware device which is starting to stimulate some interesting (but not neccessarily useful) mobile social networking applications.

You can twitter me at