Chris Osborne and I are very chuffed that we have enticed Andrew Turner who is known by some as the “Godfather” (Chris’s) or one of the “Founding Fathers” (mine) of neogeography to be a plenary speaker at GeoCommunity this year.
Andrew Turner is the CTO of FortiusOne, the company behind GeoCommons and the author of O’Reilly’s “Introduction to Neogeography” and “Trends in Where2.0” You can read the full announcement here.
Hopefully Andrew will also be leading a workshop or some other activity in the Geoweb stream that #Geomob are coordinating at the conference.
The combination of new and traditional geography (or if you prefer funky and serious) atthis year’s GeoCommunity promises to offer a stunning event and a great oppportunity for both groups to dip their toes in the other’s pond (or some similar metaphor).
You have just under 2 weeks to submit a paper and if accepted get a free day pass to the conference. Surely you want to share your wisdom and ideas with your peers and luminaries like Andrew?