I need some help.

I am preparing a talk on “Open Source and Open Data in a time of Austerity” for next week (oh yes I know how late I have left this).
My premise is that the twin pressures of Cost and Transparency/Openness will come together to stimulate a flurry of creativity, innovation & new business opportunities. Now I could do with some stunning examples of innovation and creativity that utilise Open Source GI and Open Data – a mixture of societal and commercial apps would be ideal. I know there have been some great developments using Open Data from www.data.gov.uk and or OpenStreetMap but which 2 or 3 would you choose if you were giving a short talk on the subject?
So help me out if you can and point me at your favourite examples via the comments on this post. Save me from having to work all through the weekend and I will thank you with a geobeer or two when we next meet up (at GeoCommunity would be fun)